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Wednesday, August 1, 2012

For the Nursery- Frame and Crayons, With a Splash of Paint

A great gift for a new baby that is thrifty. Needed : 8x10 photo frames or any size you like. Glue gun and sticks. Crayons. Craft paint.

I wish I had taken pictures of the process for this. I am sorry I neglected that. It is pretty easy to follow though.  
  1. Paint the frame edge in any acrylic paint you choose . I did pink spectrum for a girl and blue and green for a boy. I also painted the glass as a background, but it could be left plain. Let dry.
  2. Now I use a glue gin and glue sticks which stick promptly ( I am impatient.) but any glue that will hold the crayons to the glass and or frame will work. I do also like the glues gun since I can hold the picture upright to see how it looks while making.
  3. If paint is dry, glue crayons on to make a pattern of your choosing. I have done 3 with the first letter of the babies name, but any design you imagine could be done. I am thinking a sunburst would be lovely or scattered design of crayons.
  4. Depending on what you choose, you may need to break crayons in pieces. To make the letters fit right,  I did this. I also scattered crayons around one of the frames. The other I did kind of  shabby chic.
  5. Let dry (if needed) If using glue sticks in a gun ,you may have to pull off strings. I had to.
  6. Now go make one.


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